“I was recently invited to be the speaker for the live case study in my Attune cohort."

...I had some fear in bringing this very controversial topic up, but our cohort really has become a community of grace and it was a very helpful exercise to go through the lens with the group.

I came into the case study thinking this was about following the rules, and wanting help addressing some conflict I was experiencing with loved ones around following the rules. I came in with a lot of anxiety and heaviness. As we did some of the deeper work, God really showed me this is both about following practices that protect our neighbors, but also about keeping relationships healthy. There is so much loneliness in this season, and following the rules can lead to isolation if we’re not careful to connect with others.

When we came to the part of the lens where we intentionally paused to listen to the Holy Spirit, I felt the biggest transformation occur. Instead of something weighty and serious, it seemed almost as if God was joking with me – gently teasing me about my constant googling in search of information and answers. I sensed from God a kind, lighthearted and humorous invitation to put down the phone and instead try talking to him more. As someone who really struggles to do the right thing and to be seen as right, this lightness was a really important part of God’s guidance for me in particular. God let me know that he takes this situation just seriously enough, and that it would be helpful for me to learn to see this with more humor, and with less of a framework of right and wrong.

Since going through the lens, our family has chosen to engage in outdoor face-to-face interactions with others. Hearing God’s guidance has helped me to shift my focus away from fear about getting myself and others sick, and helped me to better look for and affirm the gifts that come out of the interactions. It still feels complicated to know and love our neighbors while still keeping everyone safe, but I don’t feel nearly as alone as I did before. I know that God is with us in this. I sense his nearness and care, and know we don’t need to decide everything by ourselves."

Inward JourneyTracy Mathews